[general] Future development of YPE
Pirate Belarus
2013-10-08 11:57:33 UTC
Hello, pirates!

First our plan motion is

Construct and deploy the system of decision making. The YPE organization
needs more direct democracy. So integration of online tools is very
important for participants to discuss motions and make desicions (because
waiting for EPIC meeting is not good for developing the organization).

Countries of YPE: what do each organization think about that?

We, belarusian young pirates, as we already told can take this part of work.
Benefit: this tools will make the process transparent and easy to
understand for other countries that can join us in future.

I've been thinking about this a bit and come up with four main avenues
that I find important for the next year or so. For each possible
activity, I've asked myself whether YPE is better equipped to handle it
than the national organisations and these are the areas where I think
1. Encouraging and assisting in building Young Pirates organisations in
more countries
This is good moment, but first of all it is important to construct a
strong connections inside the organization.
So here it goes the first our motion (above the Julia text)
We can inspire other countries to create such organizations, but if we want
this organizations to join us we need to be a good example of organized
2. European Parliament election campaign
What do we want to achieve in election campaign?
This process can be good experience, but it should not be the first issue
for YPE plans.
3. Activities/camps
We support this idea and offer to organize camps for all
countries-participators that will be interested in attending camps.
Also is interesting to invite more countries to participate in organization
4. Getting a permanent representation in Brussels
It is a good moment.
We should have a special department that will be manage this branch.
Hello everybody!
I offer every young pirates organization to think about the future
development of YPE.
What ways of developing do you see or can offer for future 5-6 monthes,
for a year?
It will be interesting to create a common strategy that will include
organization and make it participate the best way.
We can discuss this more on the next mumble also.
general mailing list on lists.young-pirates.eu. To unsubscribe send a
2013-10-08 17:06:48 UTC
Hash: SHA1


I'm not sure if I understand what exactly you have in mind. Can you be a
bit more specific about how you think there needs to be more democracy
in YPE? And what kind of tools would you like to introduce?

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general mailing list on lists.young-pirates.eu. To unsubscribe send a
mail to general+***@lists.young-pirates.eu.
2013-10-09 13:33:10 UTC
Dear Svetlana,

I agree that it would be great if the members were to give more feedback
on decisions being made in YPE. However, as I see it, the problem at the
moment is not that they have no opportunity to influence decisions, but
that apart from Falanster, the members don't participate in the everyday
discussions on the mailing lists or in the board meetings. I'm not sure
if the existence of a voting tool would change that. The board has
always tried to take members' opinions into account and passed motions
based on members' recommendations (for example the request to create a
public board mailing list).

I am sorry that you feel some of your questions have been left
unanswered. We have answered them to the best of our knowledge at every
board meeting. I think this is more of a misunderstanding based on the
impression that more activity of the board is taking place than there
actually is. Please keep in mind that all the board members are
volunteers and many of them hold other offices in their respective
national organisations, Pirate Parties or other NGOs. This means that we
all have limited time to fill YPE with activity. For example, I said
before my election as chairwoman that I would have very little time for
YPE before November, since I am finishing my university thesis at the
moment. I feel that I have used that limited time to the best of my
ability to forward the goals of YPE by getting the organisation
registered, securing funding for next year's activities and representing
YPE at events and in the media. I can only welcome all individuals,
whether they are on the board or not, to create activity within YPE, be
it events, content for the website, or whatever you can think of. The
board will do the best it can do to help, but it can't do everything by

All decisions by YPE have been made either at the founding conference or
at a board meeting and have been recorded in the minutes of that
meeting. Whenever possible, motions to the board are put in the agenda
way before the meetings take place so members can have a look at them
and voice their opinions. For example, I have filed a motion for our
board meeting tomorrow and have pointed it out in the invitation that I
have sent to this mailing list, so every member organisation or
individual person is welcome to let us know what they think about my
proposal before we vote on it.

You can find my proposal in line 76 of tomorrow's agenda:

I am open to letting members formally participate in decisions through
an online voting tool, if they see a need for it, but so far, I'm not
getting the feeling that the majority of the member organisations is
interested in participating in YPE's everyday decision-making. I would
love to be proven wrong on this.

today as we see it, sometimes it is difficult to understand what
decisions are made in YPE.
In mail list there are sometimes some discussions but it seems not be
enough to understand the whole processes in organization.
Some questions have been asked and has not been answered.
Our suggestion is to make smth like a forum with opportunity to vote
and to discuss,
so all the motions and issues that goes though the organization will
be understandable and transparent.
 For all new members it will be easy to understand what and why do
young pirates and board think and do.
Post by Yuri
Hash: SHA1
I'm not sure if I understand what exactly you have in mind. Can you be a
bit more specific about how you think there needs to be more
in YPE? And what kind of tools would you like to introduce?
- --
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general mailing list on lists.young-pirates.eu [3]. To unsubscribe
send a
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[3] http://lists.young-pirates.eu
general mailing list on lists.young-pirates.eu. To unsubscribe send a
mail to general+***@lists.young-pirates.eu.
Pirate Belarus
2013-10-09 20:45:46 UTC
Hello everybody

I belive that for organization is important not only to look at the very
moment of developing but to look in future.
Yes, today there are not a lot of active people, but we are going to
collect them, so
it is very important to have a special usable tools for that.

It is great that you, Julia, do a lot of thing and have your studing at the
same time. You are absolutely active.
And it is normal that people(in the board, too) have a lot of activities
besides YPE.
But I can't agree that person that don't have time to answer should be the
board member. Because one of the goals of bord members is to develop
Or it seems to me strange when all the forces go to one task and don't go
to another tasks.

About the questions.
1) Asked Paul about some information about visas and invitations, but have
had no answer jet.
2) Asked about what is wrong with the header, that I draw, but have no any
I understand that it can be any reaction and I am waiting for critics also.
But there is no critics.

Lotta Söderholm
2013-10-10 08:42:49 UTC

I agree with Julia. It is important that everyone gets heard, but I also
feel there is enough possibilities for this at the moment. The board tries
to read all mails sent to the general mailing list and takes every ones
opinion into account.

I feel the two most important tasks YPE has are to help more pirates found
youth organisations and to keep track of events that concern us. Mostly
just getting young pirates together and to create social networks and

But we can probably discuss this on the board meeting today. See you there!

Post by j***@junge-piraten.de
Dear Svetlana,
I agree that it would be great if the members were to give more feedback
on decisions being made in YPE. However, as I see it, the problem at the
moment is not that they have no opportunity to influence decisions, but
that apart from Falanster, the members don't participate in the everyday
discussions on the mailing lists or in the board meetings. I'm not sure if
the existence of a voting tool would change that. The board has always
tried to take members' opinions into account and passed motions based on
members' recommendations (for example the request to create a public board
mailing list).
I am sorry that you feel some of your questions have been left unanswered.
We have answered them to the best of our knowledge at every board meeting.
I think this is more of a misunderstanding based on the impression that
more activity of the board is taking place than there actually is. Please
keep in mind that all the board members are volunteers and many of them
hold other offices in their respective national organisations, Pirate
Parties or other NGOs. This means that we all have limited time to fill YPE
with activity. For example, I said before my election as chairwoman that I
would have very little time for YPE before November, since I am finishing
my university thesis at the moment. I feel that I have used that limited
time to the best of my ability to forward the goals of YPE by getting the
organisation registered, securing funding for next year's activities and
representing YPE at events and in the media. I can only welcome all
individuals, whether they are on the board or not, to create activity
within YPE, be it events, content for the website, or whatever you can
think of. The board will do the best it can do to help, but it can't do
everything by itself.
All decisions by YPE have been made either at the founding conference or
at a board meeting and have been recorded in the minutes of that meeting.
Whenever possible, motions to the board are put in the agenda way before
the meetings take place so members can have a look at them and voice their
opinions. For example, I have filed a motion for our board meeting tomorrow
and have pointed it out in the invitation that I have sent to this mailing
list, so every member organisation or individual person is welcome to let
us know what they think about my proposal before we vote on it.
I am open to letting members formally participate in decisions through an
online voting tool, if they see a need for it, but so far, I'm not getting
the feeling that the majority of the member organisations is interested in
participating in YPE's everyday decision-making. I would love to be proven
wrong on this.
today as we see it, sometimes it is difficult to understand what
decisions are made in YPE.
In mail list there are sometimes some discussions but it seems not be
enough to understand the whole processes in organization.
Some questions have been asked and has not been answered.
Our suggestion is to make smth like a forum with opportunity to vote
and to discuss,
so all the motions and issues that goes though the organization will
be understandable and transparent.
For all new members it will be easy to understand what and why do
young pirates and board think and do.
Post by Yuri
Hash: SHA1
I'm not sure if I understand what exactly you have in mind. Can you be a
bit more specific about how you think there needs to be more
in YPE? And what kind of tools would you like to introduce?
- --
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general mailing list on lists.young-pirates.eu [3]. To unsubscribe
send a
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[2] http://enigmail.mozdev.org/
[3] http://lists.young-pirates.eu
general mailing list on lists.young-pirates.eu. To unsubscribe send a
Pirate Belarus
2013-10-09 12:39:03 UTC

today as we see it, sometimes it is difficult to understand what decisions
are made in YPE.
In mail list there are sometimes some discussions but it seems not be
enough to understand the whole processes in organization.

Some questions have been asked and has not been answered.

Our suggestion is to make smth like a forum with opportunity to vote and to
so all the motions and issues that goes though the organization will be
understandable and transparent.
For all new members it will be easy to understand what and why do young
pirates and board think and do.

Post by Yuri
Hash: SHA1
I'm not sure if I understand what exactly you have in mind. Can you be a
bit more specific about how you think there needs to be more democracy
in YPE? And what kind of tools would you like to introduce?
- --
Public Key: 0x134013C2
Version: 3.1
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PE[-] Y+ PGP++ t[-] 5? X+[-] R>+ tv[-] b++ DI D G e>[++] !h>-[+] !r !z-
- ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------
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Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/
general mailing list on lists.young-pirates.eu. To unsubscribe send a
Pirate Belarus
2013-09-26 17:58:52 UTC
Hello everybody!

I offer every young pirates organization to think about the future
development of YPE.
What ways of developing do you see or can offer for future 5-6 monthes,
for a year?
It will be interesting to create a common strategy that will include every
organization and make it participate the best way.
We can discuss this more on the next mumble also.

Julia Reda
2013-10-03 08:30:34 UTC
I've been thinking about this a bit and come up with four main avenues
that I find important for the next year or so. For each possible
activity, I've asked myself whether YPE is better equipped to handle it
than the national organisations and these are the areas where I think
this is the case:

1. Encouraging and assisting in building Young Pirates organisations in
more countries

What has worked here in the past is personal contact: Young people who
have actually been involved in our activities have then gone on to found
Young Pirates in their countries. Therefore I think we should actively
seek contact with the Pirate Parties in additional countries and when
the time comes, invite some of their young members to our activities,
such as summer camps. We may not be able to pay for their trips, but
hopefully we can at least offer them cheap participation in our events.
This is why I've assigned countries to build contacts with to every
board member at our first board meeting, and to Svetlana, who
volunteered. I'm not sure if the member organisations can do much to
participate here, but we could ask them, especially those who don't have
a member on the board, to find someone among their members who wants to
help with international coordination and outreach.

2. European Parliament election campaign

Since the Pirate Party of Europe will be very late to the game, we can
fill in for them to some extent and get active in the election
campaigns. I think we should, but it only makes sense if there is a
relevant number of people willing to get active with this. So I need to
hear more from you. This is definitely a point that is up to the member
organisations. Only if they think that co-ordinating our election
campaign efforts will be of benefit, can YPE be useful here.

3. Activities/camps

This should be our main field of activity, since YPE was founded to
bring Young Pirates together more easily. We're a bit in limbo here
while we are waiting for the results of our YIA application, but once we
know the results in December, we can start planning the specifics. If we
don't get any funding, we'll have to use the membership fees that are
due in January for getting people to one EPIC event in the summer.

4. Getting a permanent representation in Brussels

This is a little further in the future, but as soon as we have been
registered for a year, we should apply for ENGO status, try to get
regular EU funding and employ someone to do lobbying on behalf of our
issues in Brussels.

Hello everybody!
I offer every young pirates organization to think about the future
development of YPE.
What ways of developing do you see or can offer for future 5-6 monthes,
for a year?
It will be interesting to create a common strategy that will include every
organization and make it participate the best way.
We can discuss this more on the next mumble also.
general mailing list on lists.young-pirates.eu. To unsubscribe send a
mail to general+***@lists.young-pirates.eu.