[general] Hackathon in Brussels!
Julia Reda
2013-11-05 10:36:22 UTC
In a nutshell

What: hackathon
When: 24-26 January 2014
Where: Brussels, Belgium
Price: free, food/housing/travel covered

"We are not paid by a public affair company. we are not paid by a big
company or an institution. We are hackers and designers that think fact
based politic is important enough to spend countless hours working on
liberating data from the european parliament.We are Stefan and Xavier,
we have worked on parltrack and mepwatch. And we hope to be able to
include you in this "we".We won't paid for the participation for this
hackathon, but we have Citizen for Europe that is covering the cost of
travel+food+housing of the participant (up to a limit, register first
and wait until we come back to you before booking your first class
ticket from australia ;)We hope we can convince more civil society
organisations to join us and use the power of data in their campaigns."


Register! Go there! Hack fun!

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