[general] Young Pirates Camp (JuPi-Camp) 2014
Florian Zumkeller-Quast
2014-07-15 14:53:40 UTC
Hey everyone,

The annually camp of the german young pirates is coming up soon. This
year we're a little late with the announcement, but still, it's
happening :-)

From the 2nd until the 10th of August, 2014

Moritzburg, near Dresden.

The programme is beeing published here:

Most of the talks will be held in german, we're currently looking which
talks can be held in english. If a talk is beeing held in german, we'll
make sure that there is an english translation for the talk.

*Application here:* https://camp14.junge-piraten.de/en/application/
(Of course it's also possible to stay only a few days, just note it down
withi the comments field in the application)

I would be happy to welcome young pirate guests from other countries. It
would be great if you could spread this information among young pirates
within your organisation who might be interested in visiting our camp.

If you have any questions regarding travelling to the camp or the camp
itself (e.g. programme), feel free to send me an email.

International Coordinator
Young Pirates Germany

Pflugstraße 9 A
D-10115 Berlin
Tel.: 030/5770207-0
Fax.: 030/5770207-11

The Junge Piraten e.V. is an non-profit association independent from the
Pirateparty and it's registered at the Amtsgericht Charlottenburg with
the Regiusternumber VR 20966 B.

The association is beeing represense by Leo Bellersen (General
Secretary) and Patrick Rauscher (Treasurer). Other Board members: Rob
Wessels, Jasna Strick und Lara Pszenny.

Die Jungen Piraten e.V. sind ein von der Piratenpartei unabhängiger,
gemeinnütziger Verein, eingetragen im Vereinsregister beim Amtsgericht
Berlin Charlottenburg, VR 30966 B.

Der Verein wird vertreten durch Leo Bellersen (Generalsekretär) und
Patrick Rauscher (Schatzmeister). Weitere Vorstandsmitglieder: Rob
Wessels, Jasna Strick, Lara Pszenny.