[general] Young Pirates Austria - First Steps
Bernhard Hayden
2013-11-04 23:16:50 UTC
Hey, it's me again.

Yesterday we had our first Young Pirates meeting in Austria and talked
about the first steps, we will take.
At the meeting we were 8 people and we know, that there are about 15
more, who will most likely be part of the Young Pirates organization.

What we talked about:
* What we want to do as Young Pirates
We want to lower the bar for participating in Pirate politics for young
people, who might be afraid of being a party member. And we want to do
student representation and so on.

* Age limitations
We shortly discussed a possible age limit for members (maybe 30, maybe
none) and/or representatives of the organization (we are thinking about
21 or 25), but this is still open for discussion.

* Cooperation with Unipiraten (university student union organization)
As previously mentioned we are thinking about joining forces with the
Unipiraten, a small pirate organization for university students, but
this is also open for discussion.

* Members fee
Some say 12€ per year would be okay, others say none would be better.
Still in discussion.

* Technical stuff/Domains/Social Media
No decision yet. We know that the German JuPis and the Styrian Pirate
Party own some domains suitable for us, others are free at the moment.
We'll see. And we are contacting the person, who is currently managing
the JuPisAT Facebook and Twitter accounts.

* Name
Most of us are in favor of naming ourselves "Junge Pirat*innen".

* Networking on European level
We want to work/keep in touch with you :-)

Here you can find a protocol of our first meeting in german:

Our next meeting will be next Sunday, 10th November via Mumble.

Best wishes,
Bernhard Hayden, Netzpolitik-Sprecher der Piratenpartei Österreichs
***@piratenpartei.at - @burnoutberni - +43 660 210 51 93
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